此前,美国知名科技新闻平台《商业内幕》(Business Insider)意外泄露了特斯拉的第一份员工手册,这份特立独行的员工手册叫《不是手册的手册》,即“The Anti-Handbook Handbook”。
提到特斯拉,它有许多个“首创”或者“与众不同”之处,这也让特斯拉在大众眼中显得非常“另类”。有意思的是,特斯拉成立这么久以来,一直没有内部员工手册。但美国知名科技新闻平台《商业内幕》(Business Insider)却泄露了特斯拉的第一份员工手册,其具体内容也是相当的“另类”。
如果你在运营一个大型组织,那么能真正帮助到你有效领导的工具已经屈指可数了。领导者最大的问题和最重要的工作就是:设计和加强正确的企业文化。在特斯拉,这是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的首要工作。这是一份独特的文件,是纯埃隆·马斯克风格,它向员工宣扬强烈的抱负、职业道德和公司文化。
马斯克也意识到这份文件的风格独特性,所以他在Twitter中写到:“读起来是最差的还是最好的?”(Reading like the worst – or best?)
It establishes and reflects culture.
It has a consistent and fitting tone.
It doesn’t skip the administrative stuff.
It’s really unusual.
It establishes and reflects culture
手册开始就写道:“我们是特斯拉(Tesla),我们改变世界,我们愿意重新思考一切事物。”(We’re Tesla. We’re changing the world. We’re willing to rethink everything.)这一点和许多硅谷科技公司类似,特斯拉手册也保持了这一主题,比如谷歌(Google)也标榜自己让世界变得更好(Make the world a better place)。
手册接着解释说:这不是一本传统的员工手册,因为“传统的员工手册告诉你,在你被扫地出门之前,你的行为有多糟糕。”(Tell you how poorly you can behave before you get shown the door)
相反,特斯拉(Tesla)的员工手册说,“我们更愿意制定极高标准,并雇佣优秀人才。”(We prefer to have incredibly high standards and to hire exceptional people.)
如果你想要另一种模式,有公司可以提供最低的可接受标准,手册上说,“你会在其他地方更成功。我们不是刻薄讽刺,这只是事实。”(you’ll be more successful somewhere else. We don’t mean to soundharsh; it’s just the truth.)
It has a consistent and fitting tone
Anyone at Tesla can and should emailor talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company. You can talk with your manager, you can talk to your manager’s manager, you can talk directly to a VP in another department, you can talk to Elon.
“No one told me”is an excuse that will never fly here.
Your No. 1 job — everyone’s No. 1 job — is making this company a success.
If you can’t be reliable, this isn’t the place for you.
“You’re tardy'”is something kids are told in school. This isn’t school.
It doesn’t skip the administrative stuff
但这本《不是手册的手册》,(The Anti-Handbook Handbook)明确指出,这些宏观原则和预期才是最重要的。
It’s really unusual
“当我们有这么多重要的事情要做的时候,我们不能把时间浪费在处理愚蠢的事情上。”(We can’t afford to waste time dealing with stupid stuff when we have so many important things to get done),有趣的部分试图扮演好警察的角色,但仍然让告诉员工“确保你在工作中获得乐趣”(Make sure you’re having fun at work)听起来像是一个模糊的威胁。因为,“如果你在某种程度上没有乐趣,你就会不高兴。我们不想这样。”(If you aren’t having fun at some level, you’ll be unhappy. We don’t want that.)
这本员工手册虽然没有完全删除,但也很少提及工作场所的主要问题,比如性骚扰(sexual harassment)、种族主义(racism)、多样性(diversity)或包容性(inclusivity)。
Elon musk’s philosophy of efficiency
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)此前还向员工发过一封邮件,谈到了如何提高工作效率的问题,以下就是马斯克给员工列出的提高效率七条重要建议:
5.沟通应该经由最短的路径完成,而不是通过公司行政管理链条(Chain of Command),秘书转达、下发通知。任何试图迫使行政管理系统人员进行沟通的管理人员都应该自动离职!
The Anti-Handbook Handbook
We’re Tesla. We’re changing the world. We’re willing to rethink everything.
We’re a high tech company unlike any other high tech company. We’re a car company unlike any other car company.
We’re different and we like it that way. Being different allows us to do what no one else is doing; to do what others tell us is impossible.
If you’re Iooking for a traditional employee handbook filled with policies and rules, you won’t find one. Policies and rules tell you where the bottom is -they tell you how poorly you can perform before you get shown the door. That’s not us.
We prefer to have incredibly high standards and to hire exceptional people who enjoy pushing themselves to perform at the highest levels everyday. We want to surround ourselves with people driven to do the right things and act with integrity even when no one is looking.
Is this you? If so, we’re glad you’re here and we look forward to doing amazing things together. If this isn’t you, you’ll be more successful somewhere else. We don’t mean to sound harsh; it’s just the truth.
Some of our High Standards
If you’re reading this, you’re probably new to Tesla and have questions about how some basic things play out around here. Here’s what we think you need to know to get started. As for everything else, such as information about our pau policies, meal and rest breaks, time off, and leave policies, check the internal website or ask.
Trust 信任
We give everyone who joins our team a lot of trust and responsibility. We operate with the assumption that everyone will do the right thing, including you. The truth is some people have violated this trust or ignored their responsibilities. We won’t change our approach because of the few who have let us down instead, we let them go.
Communication 沟通
Anyone at Tesla can and should email or talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company. You can talk with your manager, you can talk to your manager’s manager, you can talk directly to a VP in another department, you can talk to Elon – you can talk to anyone without anyone else’s permission. Moreover, you should consider yourself obligated to do so until the right thing happens.
Job Duties 工作职责
It’s your responsibility to understand what’s expected of you. Your manager should explain your responsibilities and what’s expected; however, if you are unclear at any time, ask. “No one told me” is an excuse that will never fly here.
You #1 job – everyone’s #1 job – is making this company a success. If you see opportunities to improve the way we do things, speak up even if these are outside your area of responsibility. You have a personal stake in Tesla’s success so make suggestions and share your ideas. Your good ideas mean nothing if you keep them to yourself.
Goals and Feedback 目标与反馈
You and your supervisor are encouraged to discuss your job performance and goals on an informal, day-to-day basis. If you would like feedback or any other input from your supervisor, take initiative and ask. Do not wait for your supervisor to initiate a conversation or for a company-initiated review process to get the feedback you need to perform at a high level.
Safety 安全
Safety is really important to us. We want you to go home every day in the same condition you arrived.
We believe the best way to create a safety culture is to ask the really smart people working here to use good judgment and common sense. This means:
Being safety conscious at all times.
Complying with all safety policies and procedures, including wearing required protective equipment. (Trust us, if we’ve created a policy or rule, it’s only because it was absolutely needed. We don’t have arbitrary rules.)
Never performing a job that you feel is unsafe.
Keeping work areas clean and walkways free of obstructions, especially in production areas.
Communicating with others if you see safety issues.
Reporting unsafe or hazardous conditions to the Environmental Health & Safety Department.
Attendance 出勤
If you’re the kind of person who holds yourself to the highest standards, our “attendance policy” is exactly what you’d expect it to be: Be the kind person your team can rely on. Be here when you’re supposed to be here. We need you. We can’t get things done when you aren’t here.
If you can’t be here, notify your supervisor as soon as possible and talk about what’s going on. Your supervisor will be reasonable and respectful if you are.
If you can’t be reliable, this isn’t the place for you. You’ll be asked to leave (and it might not be a choice).
Tardiness 迟到
“You’re tardy” is something kids are told in school. This isn’t school. Plan to be here on time, ready to start work when you’re scheduled. Traffic accidents happen, we get that they don’t happen every Monday during football season.
Sick Days 病假
If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t get the rest of us sick. Contact your supervisor by any means possible as soon as you can, ideally before you’re scheduled start time. If you’ve accrued Paid Time Off (PTO) use it and you’ll be paid for that day.
Vacations 假期
We know you need time off so schedule it in advance, get your supervisor’s approval, and then take it. Use your PTO – that’s what it’s there for.
Keep in mind that every vacation request can’t be accommodated. Others may have already requested the same days off or critical deadlines may create vacation blackout periods.
No Call, No Show 不告知,就旷工
Our assumption will be that if you don’t call and don’t show up for work, you’re a jerk, you better have a really good reason for not letting us know why you didn’t come in or you’re out of here. One time is enough.
Outside Employment 外部兼职
You may hold a job with another company as long as you perform your job here well and you aren’t compromising anything confidential or proprietary.
We won’t cut you any slack because you have another job – you will be judged by the same standards as everyone else. If your other job interferes with your performance, you may be asked to terminate that job if you wish to remain with Tesla.
Stupid Stuff 愚蠢错误
If you do something stupid, depending on the circumstances you may be coached and given another chance, or you may be asked to leave. We can’t afford to waste our time dealing with stupid stuff when we have so many important things to get done.
If you need them, here are some examples of stupid things people do:
Stealing or deliberately damaging company property.
Disclosing confidential information.
Harassing or bullying others.
Physically hurting someone or threatening violence.
Possessing illegal drugs.
Possessing explosives, weapons or firearm.
The list could go on and on. If you think you’re the kind of person who might do something that could be on a list of stupid stuff, do us all a favor and leave now.
Fun 获得乐趣
Make sure you’re having fun at work – meet new friends, push yourself in new ways, try new things. If you aren’t having fun at some level, you’ll be unhappy. We don’t want that, we want you to work hard, love what you do and have fun.
Moral of the Story 以上指引的寓意
The theme of the above standards is simple: just behave like the sort of person you want as your co-worker. Treat everyone like you want to be treated. Tesla must be the kind of company where people look forward to coming to work in the morning. Life is too short for anything else.
Resolving Concerns
We want to provide a positive working environment and treat people as the individuals they are.
If you have a concern, please speak freely and openly with anyone you think can help evaluate and resolve the issues. If you aren’t sure who to talk to, contact Human Resources. We will always do our best to provide a healthy, fulfilling, productive and amicable workplace.
② 特斯拉能源(TeslaEnergy):包括太阳能和存储业务,每股价值12美元。
③ 特斯拉保险(Teslainsurance):这是特斯拉推出的新服务产品,每股价值15美元。
④ 特斯拉移动/拼车(Tesla Mobilitv/Ride-sharina):一家尚未正式推出但估值为每股38美元的企业。
⑤ 特斯拉软件服务(TeslaNetworkServices):包括软件升级,如全自动驾驶仪,估值为164美元每股。
⑥ 特斯拉作为第三方供应商(Tesla asathird-partysupplier):为其他电动汽车制造商提供零部件,每股价值58美元。
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